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Corvus and Shadowtails first encort.

Corvus The Endless Smile Vampire.

Age: ?????


Smart for its kind he actually has a heart although he enjoys to kill things, for its own unique reason, its fun.


Uses his claws as blades


He is the last of his kind, back than every Endless Smile were killing everything even each other because they have no sences of knowing feeling is.

He came face to face against one as smart as him but he was smarter, and survived the fight. It was than he roam around the world finding victimes killing everyone.

1000 thousands years later he encorted Shadowtails Derol.  Lucky he was a little tired of killing, he just waited there until she wakes up.

As she woke up as expect she yelled and tried to run. But this time he did let her go, but than she stopped the minute he freed her. Since than he was her pet.
